Thursday, 17 April 2014

Little's Restaurant - Blairgowrie

Every year a selection of local accommodation providers are invited to Little's for lunch (I've told you this before), so Tuesday was the day and I went with my plus one or plus three in my case, me and the children.  Little's is big on fish, so if you love fish it's a no brainer but to go to Little's. It was a 2 course, main and a pudding. The main was Halibut which was fantastic, clean plates all round and for pudding it was either chocolate roulade or that old favourite sticky toffee pudding. We enjoyed our lunch very much.
I have also been enjoying watching the space station go over and have the naff photos to prove it. I call the very squiggly one ' Wasp get's loose on ISS flightdeck'.
My neighbours have now got some chickens, so the lady of the house called me round to admire them, very pretty variety of breeds. She always looks so glamorous my neighbour, I just had a halo of dust and grass clippings all over me after mowing the lawn. Pinched my Mum's brilliant lawnmower, she has a man who does her lawn now, after mine finally called it a day (the lawnmower and the man...boom, boom!) It was a joy to mow the lawn without smoke billowing, blade clattering etc.

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